AKR stainless steel bracket
These brackets allow optimum connection between wood and other building materials such as concrete and steel. This is an economic connections that can be used in many areas. AKR and AKR-L will vary screw hole.
Product Details
Steel quality:
• Stainless Steel 1.4401 bzw. 1.4404 (V4A) in accordance with EN10088 standards.
• Class III corrosion resistance
• Many uses of the beams to the columns may be used for partial or complete nailing.
Concrete, steel
• These brackets allow optimum connection between wood and other building materials such as concrete and steel.
Technical Data
Capacities: Post connection
* Wedge Anchor e.g. WA, BOAX II or similar, be verified separately.
For the action in the direction F1 is an additional load stress F1,d from the action in the direction F4/5 added to.
For the superimposition of the actions must be proven:
Load factors for determining the bolt strength / 2 brackets per connection
Load direction | kax | klat |
F1 Bolt 1and 2 | 0,5 | 0,0 |
F2/3 Bolt 1 and 2 | 0,2 | 0,5 |
F4/5 Bolt 1 ( from F*_1,d ) | 1,0 | 0,0 |
F4/5 Bolt 2 | 0,5 | 1 |
Proof of the fasteners in concrete / steel must be provided separately.
Simplified characteristic capacities - Wood to concrete - Full nailing - 1 bracket per connection
** The bolt design resistance requirement R#,d is determined from (bolt factor x connection design load F#,d) for the required load direction and fastener. Refer to the Simpson Strong-Tie anchor product range for suitable anchors. Typical anchor solutions are BOAXII, SET-XP, WA, AT-HP, depending on the concrete type, spacing and edge distances.
*** The published characteristic capacity is based on instantaneous load duration and service class 2 according to EC5 (EN 1995) – kmod = 1,1. For other load duration and service class, please refer to the ETA to get more accurate capacities
Simplified characteristic capacities - Wood to concrete - Partial nailing - 1 bracket per connection
** The bolt design resistance requirement R#,d is determined from (bolt factor x connection design load F#,d) for the required load direction and fastener. Refer to the Simpson Strong-Tie anchor product range for suitable anchors. Typical anchor solutions are BOAXII, SET-XP, WA, AT-HP, depending on the concrete type, spacing and edge distances.
*** The published characteristic capacity is based on instantaneous load duration and service class 2 according to EC5 (EN 1995) – kmod = 1,1. For other load duration and service class, please refer to the ETA to get more accurate capacities
Simplified characteristic capacities - Post mounting to concrete - 1 bracket per connection
** The bolt design resistance requirement R#,d is determined from (bolt factor x connection design load F#,d) for the required load direction and fastener. Refer to the Simpson Strong-Tie anchor product range for suitable anchors. Typical anchor solutions are BOAXII, SET-XP, WA, AT-HP, depending on the concrete type, spacing and edge distances.
*** The published characteristic capacity is based on instantaneous load duration and service class 2 according to EC5 (EN 1995) – kmod = 1,1. For other load duration and service class, please refer to the ETA to get more accurate capacities
• Fasten nails or screws CNA4,0xl CSA5,0xl.Pro installation in concrete anchor bolt M12.